Leap Year Birthday - Gifts & Apparel

What Is A Leap Day Baby?

Leap day babies are people with a leap year birthday who are born on February 29th, which is a day that only comes around about once every four years.

Leap day babies are also known as leaplings, leapers, and leapsters.

Compared to any other day of the year where there is a 1 in 365 chance of being born on any specific date, the chances of being born on February 29th is 1 in 1,461, very rare!

Having an official birthday date that only comes around once every 4 years should be something to make a HUGE deal about.

If you are a leap day baby or know someone who is, you will find all sorts of cool fun facts throughout our website about leap days as well as special leap year birthday gifts that you may never have known existed, perfect for leap day birthdays, leap day anniversaries, and more.

Visit Zazzle to find gift ideas and party supplies to celebrate Leap Day / Non-Leap Day Birthdays (Affiliate Disclosure: As a Zazzle associate I earn from qualifying purchases).

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